Reading is a means to an end.
We're passionate about helping parents teach their kids to read. But it's not ultimately about the reading itself. It's about what reading unlocks.

What reading unlocks.
When kids read well from the get-go, they do better in school from the start. Strong academics means more opportunities down the road. And more opportunities mean more options. In other words, when kids read well, they get to choose their life.
Whatever small role we can play in your little one's success, we're here for it. Every step of the way.

We're done talking about the literacy crisis.
Researchers have spent decades studying the best ways to teach reading. But despite knowing more than ever about the most effective paths to literacy, reading scores in the U.S. continue to decline.
That's because far too many people:
- Overcomplicate the learning process.
- Underestimate parents' ability to teach their kids.
- Are more worried about being "right" than improving reading rates.
At Toddlers Can Read, we want to DO something about the literacy crisis, not just talk about it. The fact that you're here means you do, too. And we're here to help.
As a kid... 01
As a kid...

As a kid...
In first grade, I was one of the two lowest readers. And the worst part was I knew I was behind. I was one of the "dumb kids." Because I had trouble reading, I also struggled with writing and spelling. Then I encountered challenges with the other subjects that required reading and writing. Thankfully, I eventually caught up. (Many kids don't.) But I still remember exactly what it's like to be behind... and I can't stand the thought of any child feeling that way.
As a teacher... 02
As a teacher...

As a teacher...
I worked closely with families to make sure our students consistently beat all of their academic goals—while also having fun and growing as people.
- Six years teaching kindergarten and first grade
- Two years with Teach for America
- Three years training educators
- Harriett Ball Excellence in Teaching Award, Kinder Excellence in Teaching Award, Amherst Commitment to Teaching Award, HEB Rising Star Texas Teacher of the Year Semi-Finalist
As a dad... 03
As a dad...

As a dad...
I discovered the very same strategies that help older kids learn to read work with toddlers, as well. I documented every day of teaching my son to read (to really read) at 2 years old, and now I'm helping parents and caregivers teach their little ones, too!

If you think you can't, you're right.
If you're new to the idea of teaching your kid to read, it might seem far-fetched. But here's what we can tell you from working with tens of thousands of families: Whether you think you can or not, you're right. Believing in yourself is critical to becoming an effective teacher.
The same is true of what you believe about your kid: Whether you think they can or can't learn to read, you're right. Believing in your child is critical to becoming an effective teacher.
So let's make a deal: You adopt a can-do mindset, and we'll equip you with the tools and resources you need to make it happen.