The Freebies
Meet your child right where they are on their reading journey, and then take your next steps forward—together.

Beginning Reader Workshop
Unlock reading secrets in just 30 minutes with this on-demand workshop.

Beginning Reader Quiz
Find out if your little one is ready to read, and get personalized tips straight to your inbox.

Advanced Reader Quiz
Discover where your child is on their reading journey, and get simple, helpful guidance via email.

Blending Cheat Sheet
Learn how to assess your little one's blending ability and get immediate next steps.

Spelling Cheat Sheet
Access a simple, one-page lesson to help improve your child's spelling ability.

Tricky Words 101
Discover a simple approach to teaching tricky words to your child.

Morning Message PDF
Grab 10 pages of interactive messages to build a strong morning routine.

Teacher Appreciation Survey
Help your child's teacher feel supported all year long!

Advanced Sound Flashcards
Grab the flashcards for Units 1-3 of the Reading Rules course!

Sight Word Flashcard Freebie
Grab the flashcards for Units 1 and 2 of the Reading Rules course!