4 Reasons To Teach Your Toddler to Read
TCR Blog

4 Reasons To Teach Your Toddler to Read

Many parents feel a lot of pressure when it comes to developmental milestones. So when you see "toddler" and "read" in the same sentence, you might think it's just one more thing you have to worry about. 
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When People Say, "Let Kids Be Kids..."
When People Say, "Let Kids Be Kids..."
Some folks think teaching little kids to read puts too much pressure on them. So let's talk about that.
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Do We Expect Too Much from Kindergarteners?
Do We Expect Too Much from Kindergarteners?
While there are definitely things you should be worrying about, whether or not the fact that your child's school is teaching them to read in kinder...
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Does Learning to Read "Too Young" Actually Harm Children?
Does Learning to Read "Too Young" Actually Harm Children?
The claim that learning to read too young can harm children is unsubstantiated, but the misconception didn't come out of nowhere. In this blog pos...
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Do All Kids "Catch Up" Eventually?
Do All Kids "Catch Up" Eventually?
Folks who discourage teaching kids to read before kindergarten often argue that kids who learn how to read later catch up to their peers who learne...
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Does This Research Suggest That Preschool Leads to Prison?
Does This Research Suggest That Preschool Leads to Prison?
The assertion that preschool leads to prison is certifiably false. In this blog post, I'm going to dive deeper into where this myth stems from and...
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Does Early Reading Cause More Harm Than Good?
Does Early Reading Cause More Harm Than Good?
Some people claim teaching your child to read early can lead to long-term harm for their social development and academic achievement. Let's look at...
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How Does Early Childhood Education Benefit Kids?
How Does Early Childhood Education Benefit Kids?
In this blog post, I break down one of the most widely-known research studies—The Perry Preschool Project—piece by piece, in an effort to give you ...
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Does Academic Instruction in Preschool Lead to Worse School Performance?
Does Academic Instruction in Preschool Lead to Worse School Performance?
In this blog post, I'm going to dissect a source frequently used to support one of the most common early reading myths: that children who receive a...
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Taking Early Childhood Research Out of Context
Taking Early Childhood Research Out of Context
These days, it seems like you can find research to support just about any opinion you might have. This is especially true when it comes to parentin...
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What Does Research Really Say About Early Reading?
What Does Research Really Say About Early Reading?
As a parent, you deserve to know what research does and doesn't say about how we teach our children. Part of understanding what the research says ...
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